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Local Offer

Local Offer for Jo's Childminding


1. How does the early years setting know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

All children are regularly observed and assessed following the Early Years Foundation Stage framework. The childminder works closely with parents to understand the needs of their children and listens to any concerns they may have. If the childminder has concerns they are discussed with parents and with permission she may seek advice from outside agencies.


2. How will the early years setting staff support my child?

The childminder is a qualifed Early Years Teacher. As a childminder she works alone, with occasional support from an assistant. She is therefore solely responsible for planning in the setting. She has attended inclusion training and uses this knowledge and information to create individual learning plans for children with special educational needs. These are reviewed each term with parents. Learning Journeys are available online for parents to view at any time and are encouraged to contribute with comments and photogrpahs.  More in-depth discussions take place at home visits which can be arranged to suit parents. Parents are encouraged to contribute to children’s planning and suggestions for home learning can be provided. Parent input, alongside talking, observing and listening to the children enables the childminder to discover what they are interested in and to make plans to help them progress.


3. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

The setting follows the Early Years Foundation Stage framework. The curriculum is planned around the individual children’s unique needs and interests. Activities, opportunities and experiences planned aim to cover the seven areas of learning, building upon children’s previous knowledge and skills to help them to attain and progress. Parents are asked to share with the setting what their children have been engaged in outside of the setting, through discussion and contributing to the online Learning Journey, setting planning of activities and experiences can complement this. Building upon children’s interests gives meaningful learning opportunities for the child and can motivate children to learn.


4. How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

The childminder is available for an informal discussion at drop off and collection times. Each child has a daily diary that parents can use to communicate information. Home visits can be arranged to discuss children’s progress more in-depth. Each child has an online Learning Journey which parents can log in to, they can view activities, next steps and progress. Children’s progress is tracked following the Early Years Foundation Stage Outcomes which are reviewed regularly and shared with parents through summative assessment. Two year olds have an integrated review between 27 and 32 months, in addition to the usual summative assessments. Next steps are shown on the summative assessments as well as in the Learning Journey. Suggestions for home learning are also given on the summative assessments. A transition report is completed if children move on to school or another setting.


5. What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?

Where necessary, advice will be sought from outside agencies and training attended to help meet individual needs. Medicines can be administered where permission has been given. Personal care needs will be met by the childminder. A positive behaviour management approach is used in consultation with parents to ensure continuity.  Children would only be excluded if the behaviour disrupts the learning of the other children in the setting. Children are involved in the planning of activities and their ideas are included such as decisions about outings, activities to get out or resources to use. The use of photos of resources available supports this, as well as listening to and observing children’s interests.


6. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the early years setting?

The childminder specialises in working with children in the Early Years. She is a qualified Early Years Teacher with a BA (Hons) in Early Years. She has experience in working with children with speech and language difficulties. The childminder has Level 3 qualifications in working with children with complex speech and language difficulties and ASD. 


7. What training are the staff supporting children with SEND had or are having?

The childminder is a qualified Early Years Teacher, she has attended Inclusion for Childminders in June 2016, Level 3 Elklan Speech and Language Support for Verbal Children with ASD and Working with Children with Complex Speech , Language and Communication Difficulties.


8. How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?

The children have access to the garden in the setting whenever they choose. They regularly attend parent and toddler groups, and visit a variety of places such as play parks, farms, parks, woods, aquarium, castles and the zoo. Children will be able to access all of the activities wherever possible and reasonable steps are taken to include all children.


9. How accessible is the early years setting environment?

The childminder takes reasonable steps to ensure that childcare is inclusive and provisions are accessible to the needs of all children and will make reasonable adjustments to accommodate the needs of children and their families. The building is not fully wheelchair accessible due to the number of steps and narrow doorways. A downstairs toilet is available for children’s use.


10. How will the early years setting prepare and support my child person to join the setting or school, transfer to a new setting or school or the next stage of education and life?

Initial meetings allow families to visit and decide whether the childcare setting is right for them. Families will then be offered a home visit before settling-in visits start. Children can then have four hours free settling-in visits where parents can stay for a little while before leaving their child.

‘All about me’ booklets give parents the opportunity to share as much information as possible about their child prior to thier child starting in the setting. Parents are sent a copy of the settings policies and procedures to read, discuss and agree to at contract signing.

For children moving onto a new early years setting or school, the professionals from these settings are welcome contact the childminder to discuss the child, or to visit them in the setting or the childminder is willing to visit other settings. With permission, professionals can have access to children's development folder. Each child will receive a transition summary to give to their next setting.


11. How are the setting’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

The childcare setting is able to provide Government funded early years education places, for eligible 2, 3 and 4 year olds. This is a maximum of 15 hours per week, term time only. Additional funding can be claimed for children with special educational needs. The childminder will work with the family to identify and obtain other specialist equipment where required; linking in with professionals. Parents of children ages 3 and 4 are encouraged to complete the Early Years Pupil Premium form to apply for additional funding for the setting.


12. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

The decision is made about how much and the type of support each child receives follows discussion with parents, and after observations and assessments that are undertaken, including the two year old integrated review and summative assessments. If further advice is required the childminder will, with permission, seek advice from the Local Authority, Health Visiting team, iSend and local children centres.


13. How are parents involved in the setting?  How can I be involved?

Parents will be continually consulted with children's progress and development. Daily diaries are used for two-way communication and are the best way to share information. The online Learning Journey is available for parents at all times and parents are encouraged to contribute to this with comments, observations, photographs and videos.


14. Who can I contact for further information?

Contact me via my website contact page 


Further information and advice can be gained from your Health Visitor or local Children's Centre


The East Sussex local authority’s Local Offer is available here –


and here:


Further information:


The East Sussex SEN team can be contacted on 01273 481230 email:


Early Years Foundation Stage framework


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities code of practice


Childcare register


Equal Opportunities 2010


This offer is accurate now, but services are regularly reviewed and could change. All information will be updated as soon as possible to reflect any new service offer.


Date of publication: 31st August 2014

Reviewed: 7th July 2019




This offer is intended to give you clear, accurate and accessible information.


If you would like to comment on the content of the offer or make suggestions to improve the information, please contact me


Find out more about support for children and young people with special needs and disabilities:

© 2014 by Joanne Walker @ Jo's Childminding

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